Thursday, March 13, 2014

Labor Party position on Willow Court

THANKS to Rebecca White MHA for forwarding the following statement from the Minister for Heritage, Brian Wightman MHA, regarding Willow Court. It is published here without alteration. Other parties are welcome to send me their position statements.

"Labor recognises that Willow Court is an important historic site with special meaning to the local community. That is why this Labor government is proud of the significant support it has provided to Council for the Willow Court Precinct whilst in Government.

"In 2006 the Government provided a $750,000 grant to Council for the purpose of Willow Court, to enable the Council to undertake necessary works towards enabling the adaptive re-use of the site for the future.

"In 2012 this Labor Government demonstrated its continued support for the Council’s plans for the site by renegotiating the $750,000 grant deed to allow Council to retain this funding, despite the original grant deed expiring with the funds unexpended. In doing so, the government also allowed the Council to retain significant interest of over $200,000, bringing the total financial support for the site to almost $1 million.

"Given the magnitude of required works on the site to achieve an adaptive re-use, this government also entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Council to provide additional support, specifically for redeveloping, activating and conserving Willow Court as an integrated part of New Norfolk, a multi-purpose community facility, heritage site and attraction.

"In addition, this government also provided Council with one full-time Project Manager for a period of one year, specifically to work on progressing works to achieve these things.
While there is still a great deal of work to be done at the site, it is very encouraging to see the progress Council has made over the past 18 months, with works on the provision of electricity to the site, increased security of the whole site, refurbishments at Bronte and landscaping and conservation works at the Barracks being undertaken.

"A Labor government will continue to offer support to the Council by way of the MoU, and assisting the Council where possible to raise the necessary funds at both a State and Australian Government level."

1 comment:

  1. During the negotiations for the MOU between the council and the state government two years ago, the council asked that the government provide a project manager to work with the Willow Court Conservation Committee.

    My understanding is that the government agreed to provide half of the cost of a project manager for 12 months only, with the council to pay the other half of the cost.

    I also understand that the 12 month period is almost concluded and no advice has been provided about its continuation.
