MAYOR Martyn Evans, deputy mayor Craig Farrell and myself attended a board meeting of the Derwent Valley Economic Renewal Group (Valley Vision) earlier this evening, accompanied by general manager Stephen Mackey. After being responsible for Willow Court matters for about 10 years, the group is now looking to return to its roots and re-engage with the community.
Contrary to suggestions that the council had shut down Valley Vision, it has in fact renewed the lease on the Valley Vision office in High St, and maintained its previous funding allocation of $26,000. During tonight's discussions, general manager Stephen Mackey offered to provide clerical support for about six months. I encouraged the DVERG board to use this period to investigate options to source funds to employ new staff to replace those who resigned earlier this year.
Productive discussions were had with board members Sandy Carmichael, Anker Fuglsang, Sharon Hutchison and Tim Last, and Rivers Run tourism representative Roger Zantuck and I'm looking forward to continuing the conversation at the next meeting.